Aboriginal people experience higher rates of cancer and are more likely to die from cancer than non-Aboriginal people.
A Voice gives the Traditional Owners of this country a voice to be heard, with the aspiration of informing decisions that improve the health and well-being of Aboriginal peoples.
Cancer disproportionately affects Aboriginal people in Western Australia. Aboriginal West Australians are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer and to die from cancer than non-Aboriginal West Australians.
To address this disparity, Cancer Council WA are committed to working with Aboriginal Medical Services, Aboriginal Community-Controlled Health Organisations, and Aboriginal Elders and communities within a framework of self-determination, to support the development and delivery of high-quality care in a culturally appropriate way to Aboriginal West Australians.
Cancer Council WA is committed to closing the gap on health – including cancer – for Aboriginal people. Cancer Council WA supports The Voice
Ashley Reid, Cancer Council WA CEO
Cancer Council WA believes the referendum provides an important opportunity to advance reconciliation and the involvement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in improving their health and cancer outcomes.
For more information