Cancer Council Resources
Additional Resources
Breast cancer
The investigation of a new breast symptom: A guide for GPs
Recommended management of a patient with a breast implants
Advice about familial aspects of breast cancer and epithelial ovarian cancer
Risk-reducing medication for women at increased risk of breast cancer due to family history – FAQs
Bowel cancer
Communication risks and benefits of colorectal cancer screening to patients at average risk of colorectal cancer
Educational flipchart on bowel cancer for the community
Educational flipchart on bowel cancer for the Aboriginal community
Cervical cancer
Female genital cutting/mutilation (FGC/M) & cervical screening - A guide for practitioners
Cervical screening pathway for women at intermediate risk
Pathology test guide for cervical (clinician-collected) and vaginal (self-collected) testing
Education flipchart on cervical screening for the Aboriginal community
Endometrial cancer
Shared follow-up care for women low-risk endometrial cancer: A guide for GPs
Abnormal vaginal bleeding in pre- and peri-menopausal women: A diagnostic guide for GPs and Gynaecologists
Lung cancer
Investigating symptoms of lung cancer: A guide for all health professionals
Ovarian cancer
Assessment of symptoms that may be ovarian cancer: a guide for GPs
Appropriate referral for women with suspected ovarian cancer
Advice about familial aspects of breast cancer and epithelial ovarian cancer
Psychosocial issues
Clinical guidance for responding to suffering in adults with cancer
Recommendations for the identification and management of fear of cancer recurrence in adult cancer survivors
Viral Hepatitis and liver cancer
Decision making in hepatitis C virus
Decision making in hepatitis B virus
Supporting your patients:
- Access our print and digital resource, freely available for health professionals to utilise in their practice, providing information and support for patients in cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship.
- For cancer information and support services please fill in our health professional referral form.
- Download the Cancer Council WA Pro Bono Program guidelines and application form.