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Health professionals

Why choose us

  • Developed in collaboration with our GP Advisory Committee
  • All activities are accredited by the Royal Australian College of GPs (RACGP) and, where applicable, the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) PDP
  • Offered free of charge
  • Education activities available through multiple channels to fit your schedule and preferences

What we offer:

Overview: Discover all upcoming live webinars and in-person events.

Target audience: GPs, practice nurses

Upcoming education:

Topic Date Register
Vaping: Navigating legislation, risks, and patient management – Webinar Wednesday 2 April, 6-7pm Register coming soon
Cancer Network WA Forum – Hybrid Thursday 22 May, 9am-3pm Registration opening soon

For all Cancer Council WA events visit our events calendar.

Overview: Browse our catalogue of recording education webinars and meetings available when you want them.

Target audience: GPs, practice nurses

Overview:  Provides GPs with an opportunity to gain firsthand experience in specialised oncology settings. These supervised clinical attachments (SCA) involve attending clinical sessions where GPs can observe, network, and ask questions of multiple sub-specialists and multidisciplinary teams. This unique learning opportunity helps GPs better support cancer patients in their ongoing care and transition back to primary healthcare services.

Target audience: GPs

How to participate: If you would like to secure a placement at one of the SCA listed below or have any queries or would like more information, please contact the Cancer Education team via or 08 9388 4313

Grant support: Cancer Council WA offers reimbursement for travel and accommodation costs based on distance. See grant guidelines here.

Activities available:

  1. Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) at Fiona Stanely Hospital

Participation in the activity will provide an opportunity for GPs to further understand the HNC referral and diagnostic process at the Rapid Access Neck Lump Clinic, including the assessment of “red flag” symptoms, the use of appropriate medical imaging, and interpreting diagnostic tests.

Learning outcomes:

  • Identify the clinical features of a patient requiring urgent investigation for a suspected head and neck cancer.
  • Recall the urgent referral pathway for adults presenting with a neck lump.
  • Summarise the common diagnostic imaging modalities and their applications.
  • Assess the role of the MDT in providing high-quality treatment and care for cancer patients.
  • Describe the pre-treatment support services available to patients managed through the MDT clinic.
  • Recommend strategies to improve the MDT process from a general practice perspective.

Clinic details:

  • GPs will attend two half day clinics at Fiona Stanley Hospital:
    • Rapid Access Neck Lump Clinic: Wednesdays, 9.00am – 1.30pm
    • Head & Neck MDT Meeting and Clinic: Mondays, 8.00am – 12.30pm

CPD hours: 11 hours

  • 9 hours: reviewing performance
  • 2 hours: educational activities
  1. Paediatric Oncology Survivorship at Perth Children’s Hospital

Participating GPs will observe survivors of various oncological and haematological childhood diseases at their final or penultimate clinic before transitioning to adult health services, mainly to GP care. GPs will also observe health surveillance tests and examinations for potential late effects of their cancer diagnosis and treatment. Specific documentation and information, such as a Working with Children Check, must be provided for placement approval.

Learning outcomes:

  • Determine key surveillance strategies to support patients in the primary care setting
  • Describe the eligibility of patients who are transitioned to ongoing care provided by an adult health service
  • Attribute the impact of childhood cancer treatment on increased risk of morbidity and mortality in adulthood
  • Identify and action urgent referrals to paediatric oncology services available at Perth Children’s Hospital as appropriate.

Clinic details:

  • GPs will attend two full-day clinics at Perth Children’s Hospital:
    • Transition clinic: Fridays, 9.00am – 4.00pm
    • One clinic of your choice: high or low risk for solid tumours, haematological cancers, or bone marrow transplant: Fridays, 9.00am – 4.00pm.

CPD hours: 16 hours

  • 14 hours: reviewing performance
  • 2 hours: educational activities

Overview: The PDSA cycle is a quality improvement method that helps general practice teams identify areas for improvement, implement changes, study the results, and act on findings to drive better outcomes.

Target audience: GPs, practice nurses, practice managers

Activities available:

  • Improve recording of alcohol status documentation
  • Improve recording of weight classification (BMI)
  • Improve recording of smoking status
  • Improve participation in iFOBT screening (ages 45-74) via reminder prompt
  • Improve participation in cervical screening (ages 25-74) via reminder prompt
  • Improve participation in breast cancer screening (ages 50-74) via reminder prompt

How to participate: Register by filling out your practice details on the form, and you will receive access to the guiding template to begin completing your chosen activity.

CPD hours: 6 hours

  • 6 hours: measuring outcomes (per activity)

Register now

Clinical management and screening for bowel cancer

This self-paced online learning module aims to define your role in bowel cancer prevention, early diagnosis, and screening. It offers practical tips and case studies to support your learning at your own pace as a healthcare worker.

Target audience: GPs, practice nurses, Aboriginal health workers

Learning outcomes:

  • Describe the appropriate management for patients based on the presenting symptom(s).
  • Identify the appropriate management for eligible patients participating in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.
  • Encourage eligible patients to participate in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program by identifying and addressing barriers and enablers to screening.
  • Outline the role of general practice health professionals in contributing to the success of the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.

CPD hours: 2 hours

For more information or to participate, click here.


Overview: Browse our clinical resources available to support best practice care for your patients.

Resources available:

View the entire catalogue of collated resources from trusted organisations and agencies that are suitable for health professionals

Target audience: GPs

Overview: Our quarterly e-newsletter offers valuable updates, resources, and educational content for GPs, practice nurses, and primary care health professionals. It covers topics across the entire cancer continuum, including prevention, screening, detection, diagnosis, treatment, palliative care, and survivorship.

Target audience: GPs, practice nurses, and primary care professionals.

Please subscribe and stay informed and up-to-date.

Subscribe to the Primary Car Cancer Education quarterly eNewsletter

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