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Call for Information & Support

Health professionals

Designed for:

Registered Nurses, Enrolled Nurses, Facility Managers, Allied Health Workers, Aboriginal Health Workers, and Aboriginal Liaison Officers.

Series: RACEPC Communicate | Facility Challenge Series

Title: Palliative Care in Residential Aged Care


Residents with a life limiting illness, staff, families, and facilities all benefit from delivering a palliative approach, through the prevention of suffering by the means of early identification, impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and physical, psychosocial, and spiritual care.

Palliative care focuses on a multidisciplinary approach, ensuring all staff are prepared to care. This short session aims to increase staff confidence and ability to identify and deliver a palliative approach. It outlines palliative care needs, tools, and strategies to care for your resident.

Staff will further benefit from the other Facility Challenge Series topics.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Define a palliative approach and identify when it should be used.

2. Identify tools to embed a palliative approach into your facility.

3. Describe what palliative care is in a residential aged care facility setting.

Presented By:

Natalie Joseph

Clinical Nurse

Improvement Facilitator, Palliative Aged Care Outcomes Program (PACOP).