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Health professionals

We all want to have a say in what happens in the last part of our lives. By making plans that cover your future care, lifestyle, health, and finances. You’re not only working out what you want, you are also making things easier on those around you. This process is called Advance Care Planning.

In this FREE workshop we will cover information on what’s involved in Advance Care Planning, how to get started, and how to talk about your wishes for the last stage of your life with your family, loved ones and health care providers.

The workshop is suitable for all members of the community, of any age or any level of health.

  • Date: 18 April 2024
  • Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm
  • Location: Dot’s Place Peel
  • 34 Victoria Circle Greenfields

Please call (08) 6389 7830 to register.