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Health professionals

CISS Divisional Day

Our Cancer and Information Support Services Division held their Divisional Day on Wednesday 21 June. This is always an enjoyable day as all our team come together from the regions and metro sites for a day of learnings and collaborative work. We had the privilege of experiencing a beautiful Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony by Robyn Collard Rioli and her son Gavan Rioli. We were also joined by many staff from Westgate.

A smoking ceremony is an ancient aboriginal custom in Australia that involves burning various native plants to produce smoke, which has cleansing properties and the ability to ward off bad spirits from the people and the land and make a pathway for a brighter future.

Crawford Lodge: April Morning Tea

On Friday 28 April, we held a special morning tea at our Crawford Lodge to celebrate some of our most important fundraisers for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea.

The event was an opportunity to say thank you in person to our wonderful ABMT fundraisers, who collectively have raised more than $50,000 between them in the many years they have been holding morning teas.

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea at Parliament House

Cancer Council WA staff, and members of parliament gathered at Parliament House in May for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, raising much needed funds for cancer research in Western Australia.

The Morning Tea was the first held at Parliament House since 2019.

A massive thank you to all our incredible fundraisers, and to everyone involved in organising their own Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea.