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The Honorable Roger Cook MLA and Cancer Council WA President, Professor George Yeoh cut the ribbon at our Cancer Supportive Care Centre opening.

In July 2021 we proudly opened our brand new Cancer Supportive Care Centre at Fiona Stanley Hospital thanks to generous funding by Dry July Foundation.

This is Cancer Council WA’s first Cancer Supportive Centre in the south metropolitan area and it was made possible thanks to the generosity of everyone who has raised funds for Cancer Council through Dry July each year.

The Centre aims to provide emotional, practical, spiritual and survivorship support to cancer patients and their families to minimise the impact of the disease and treatment on their daily lives.

As well as a dedicated Cancer Support Coordinator, who provides evidence based psychosocial care to cancer patients and their family members, a range of complementary services are available at the Centre, including;

  • Aromatherapy
  • Massage
  • Reflexology
  • Reiki

The new Cancer Supportive Care Centre allows us to deliver a more holistic support service to people undergoing treatment.






The Supportive Care Centre is available to anyone receiving treatment for cancer at Fiona Stanley Hospital, along with their carers.

Please call our Cancer Nurses on 13 11 20 for more information, or visit our Cancer Council WA information desk on the ground floor of the Fiona Stanley Cancer Centre to make an appointment.

Other support

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, fundraisers and supporters, we are able to offer a number of other support services, including:

  • Cancer Council WA Cancer Information Hubs at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and St John of God Hospital, Midland
  • Country patients can access support at our Dot’s Place Peel and Dot’s Place Bunbury, or through our Regional Cancer Support Coordinators.
  • To find out what support is available to you, or someone you care about, please call our Cancer Nurses on 13 11 20.