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We are cautioning consumers not to be duped into thinking vegie chips are a healthy alternative to potato chips or vegetables, following a new audit that showed almost 70 per cent of the products analysed contained unacceptable levels of salt.

Our Obesity Prevention Manager, Ainslie Sartori, said shockingly 14 of the vegie chip products analysed contained over 1000mg of sodium per 100g.

“Cancer Council WA’s LiveLighter® team conducted a nutrition audit of the vegie chips available from the health food and chip aisles at Australia’s two major supermarket chains, excluding products that contained only potato or corn,” Ms Sartori said.

“Of the 84 different vegie chips products analysed, 69 per cent contained unacceptable levels of salt, defined as over 400mg of sodium per 100g of product.
“We’ve seen an explosion in the number of chip alternatives in health food aisles recently including lentil, pea, mushroom, carrot, broccoli, beetroot and seaweed chips.

“While vegie chips might be marketed as a crispy alternative to vegetables, these products are not a good replacement for eating five serves of vegetables every day.

“Not only are most vegie chips high in salt, they are also ultra-processed.”

Ms Sartori said salt content was not the sole concern, with some products also containing high amounts of sugar and saturated fat.

“Four of the products contained more than 20 per cent sugar, with one packet of broccoli florets containing almost 40 per cent sugar,” she said

“With end-of-the-year parties now in full swing, we urge people to try healthier options like fresh vegetables and tasty dips like hummus or tzatziki, or if you do decide to buy a packet of vegie chips, look for products with less than 400mg per 100g.”

The worst offenders with over 1000mg sodium per 100g

Product Flavour Sodium (mg) per 100g
Ceres Organise Seaweed Snacks Original 2300
Simply 7 Lentil Chips Sea Salt 1648
The Natural Chip Co Lentil Craves Sweet Chilli Sour Cream 1420
Ceres Organic Seaweed Snacks Chilli 1355
Ajitas Vege Twists with Potato & Lentils Cheese 1317
Ajitas Vege Chips Salt & Vinegar 1230
Adjitas Vege Rice Crackers Honey Soy 1200
Simply 7 Lentil Chips Honey Soy Chicken 1160
Simply 7 Lentil Chips Jalapeno 1070
Ajitas Vege Deli Crisps Tumeric & Cheese 1050
Ajitas Vege Chips Chicken 1030
OBAP Seaweed Snacks Roasted 1020
Honest Sea Roasted Seaweed Snack Teriyaki 1013
Simply 7 Lentil Chips Sea Salt & Balsamic Vinegar 1010

Products with high levels of sugar

Product Sugar (g) per 100g
DJ&A Broccoli Florets 39.7
DJ&A Veggie Crisps 30.5
DJ&A Shitake Mushroom Chips 27
Coles Veggie Chips (scoop and weigh) 23

Saturated fat content

An issue for one brand of crispy seaweed snacks due to the addition of palm oil to their products.

Product Flavour Saturdated fat (g) per 100g
Taokaenoi Crispy Seaweed Original 27.6
Taokaenoi Crispy Seaweed Hot & spicy 26.9
Taokaenoi Crispy Seaweed Sour cream & chives 24.7


For more information

  • We deliver the LiveLighter program, which aims to encourage Australian adults to lead healthier lifestyles – to make changes to what they eat and drink, and to be more active. You can find lots of great tips, resources and information at