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Palliative and Supportive Care Education (PaSCE) operates as a team within Cancer Council WA’s Cancer Information and Support Services division. Independently funded by the Department of Health at state and federal levels (PEPA/IPEPA), PaSCE specialises in delivering comprehensive palliative care education to healthcare professionals and palliative care volunteers across Western Australia.

Through five distinct programs – Professional Development Education, Volunteer Education, Residential Aged Care Education (RACEPC Communicate), Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (PEPA) and a Scholarships program – PaSCE ensure a comprehensive approach to palliative care education and skills development for healthcare professionals and volunteers.

PaSCE collaborates with experienced palliative care clinicians to develop and deliver evidence-based education aimed at increasing knowledge and confidence of palliative care in all settings.

Visit the PaSCE Website for more information.

PaSCE Professional Development Education programs delivers palliative and supportive care education to all health professionals across Western Australia, who are working with patients diagnosed with a life-limiting illness. The key aims of the program are to increase confidence, capability, and knowledge in this area.

This is achieved through the provision of in person and online programs, that span the core principles of palliative care, by utilising clinical scenarios, communication-based courses and self-care techniques. Our specialist presenters are located across the state and deliver current evidence-based practice education to participants.

Courses are free or heavily subsidised due to our partnership with the Western Australian Department of Health. To enhance the delivery of our education, we offer free resources including ‘Keeping up with the PaSCE,’ an educational podcast for health professionals, as well as online learning modules and more.

To register for upcoming Professional Development Education, please visit their website or contact via email.

PEPA (Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach) is a national palliative care project which takes a strategic approach to education and training to enhance the capacity of health professionals to deliver a palliative care approach through their participation in either clinical placements in a specialist palliative care service or interactive workshops.

IPEPA (Indigenous Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach) is a grassroots approach to breaking down the barriers to palliative care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across Australia.

Informed by community, for community, the IPEPA  program prepares health professionals to deliver high quality, holistic and culturally responsive palliative care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their loved ones.

PEPA and IPEPA provides opportunities to develop confidence, knowledge, and skills in the palliative approach to care through:

  • Clinical placements – two to three days in length available across Western Australia.
  • Palliative approach workshops for all health professionals.
  • Culturally-responsive palliative care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  • Mentoring workshops.

To find out more about PEPA visit their website or IPEPA please or contact via email .

Recognising the importance of effective communication, RACEPC Communicate provides quality palliative and end of life care education that aligns with the Aged Care Quality Standards and WA End-of-Life and Palliative Care Strategy. By improving knowledge of communication and palliative care skills; staff capability and confidence increases, resulting in improved satisfaction of staff, residents and their families.

RACEPC Communicate values the roles of all staff working in residential aged care and provides a broad range of free, relevant opportunities for quality improvement including online education, and biannual in person symposiums. Engagement in this program will ensure that the participating facility improves and supports their workforce development.

RACEPC Communicate offers:

  • Facility Challenge
  • Residential Aged Care Symposiums
  • Learning Management System.

To register for upcoming RACEPC Communicate education, please visit their website or email.

Community volunteers are the backbone of supporting those in need. Persons with a life-limiting illness, and their families, are many times facing the daunting tasks of dealing with issues they may not have been prepared for – emotionally or physically.

PaSCE Volunteer Education provides volunteers currently working in the palliative care setting, or wanting to become a volunteer, with education in the palliative approach, their roles as a volunteer and an understanding of the boundaries. They will learn evidence-based communication skills in supporting those dealing with grief, loss and bereavement and tools, for the volunteer, to support their own self-care.

To register for upcoming Volunteer Education, please visit their website or email.

Are you a registered nurse, doctor or allied health professional currently working in palliative care? Are you wanting to expand your horizons and move into one of the fastest growing specialties? Or, are you interested in undertaking postgraduate study towards a palliative care qualification? If so, Cancer Council WA invites you to apply for one of our scholarships.

Our three scholarship areas cover:

  • Cancer Council WA / McLarty Post Graduate Palliative Care Scholarships – advancement in the area of post graduate study.
  • Palliative Care Quality Improvement (PCQI) Scholarship – quality improvement in the area of Palliative Care.
  • Cancer Council WA / Department of Health Helen Walker Excellence in Leadership Scholarship.

To find out more about the Cancer Council WA Palliative Care Scholarship please visit our scholarships page or contact