Students from Mercedes College recently rallied in a remarkable gesture of support, bravely parting ways with their ponytails and raising over $26,000 to help West Australians affected by cancer.
A heartwarming event
In a tradition that’s lasted more than a decade, Mercedes College students have decided on a cause they would like to support, with Cancer Council WA the choice for 2024.
“Given that so many Mercedes’ students, staff and ex-students have been affected by cancer, raising funds for Cancer Council WA was an obvious choice,” a student representative said.
In less than three weeks, the students and staff organised the event. In the lead up to the day, they held fundraising initiatives, including a cake stall and a raffle, all aimed at raising funds for the cause.
Students gathered in the gym at lunchtime to take part and watch the event. A sustainable hairdresser was secured to handle the hair handover for wigs. Overall, 31 brave students and one willing teacher participated in the fundraiser.
A student shares that “supporting the dignity of individuals, was a major reason for choosing this activity. The thoughts of the whole school community were focussed on helping those in need.”
Over $26,000 raised to support those affected by cancer
In just two weeks, the event raised has an incredible $26,000, with additional funds expected from ongoing cake sales and other initiatives.
Thank you to Mercedes College and all the students, staff and the community who got involved for your incredible generosity and support!
For more information
- To start your own fundraiser, visit Do It For Cancer.