We have relaunched our Regional Champions campaign, following survey results suggesting nearly half (47 per cent) of respondents evaluated in the previous campaign reported that COVID-19 was a barrier to visiting their GP, clinic nurse or Aboriginal health worker if they had a cancer symptom.
Our Regional Education Manager, Cassandra Clayforth, said the Regional Champions campaign calls for people in regional WA to be aware of some of the lesser-known symptoms of cancer (problems peeing, runny poo and shortness of breath) and seek medical advice earlier.
“We surveyed more than 950 regional West Australians over the age of 40 following the launch of the Regional Champions campaign earlier this year,” Cassandra said.
“In addition to COVID-19 presenting a challenge, previous research in WA shows regional people seek help from a doctor at a later stage because they are less aware of cancer symptoms, more optimistic, more laid back and less likely to seek help if travel is a barrier, therefore resulting in later stage cancer diagnoses.”
Research shows people living in regional Australia have lower rates of survival than those living in metropolitan areas, for all cancers combined.
“The earlier cancer is found, the greater the chance of successful treatment, so whether it turns out to be something needing follow up or nothing to worry about, you’ll be glad you found out early,” she said.
“Putting off seeing your doctor, clinic nurse or Aboriginal health worker could cost you a good outcome.”
62-year-old Derek Chapman from Donnybrook is one of six regional champions featured in the campaign.
“I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2018 after having problems peeing,” Derek said.
“My advice for anyone experiencing an unusual symptom would be to make time to get it checked out.”
The relaunch of the campaign will run from Tuesday 18 October and will appear on regional and Aboriginal stations across WA including GWN, WIN, WDTV, SBS, ICTV, and Goolarri.
The campaign will also include coverage on regional (Triple M & Hit) and Aboriginal radio stations, regional newspapers, Facebook and YouTube.
Find out more
Watch the TV ads here and here
Call our 13 11 20 Cancer Information and Support Line
Visit our website for cancer information and support
Find out more about our regional support services