Clinical trials in Western Australia: Have your say
Posted 6 Sep 2024

The West Australian Department of Health (WA Health) is currently running a pair of clinical trial surveys, aimed at seeking input from the WA medical community, plus those who have participated in, or are interested in clinical trials in Western Australia.
Clinical trials consumer survey
Are you a Western Australian who has participated in, or is interested in clinical trials in WA? WA Health wants to gather insights on Western Australian’s experiences of clinical trials. Your responses will help WA Health understand how to improve trial capacity and access for Western Australians, and will help shape the future of clinical trials in our state.
Complete the survey here or click the button below
Clinical trials “investigator” survey for trial staff
Are you someone with a role in conducting clinical trials in WA?
The Department of Health (WA Health) is seeking input from people involved in conducting clinical trials in WA to understand how to boost the state’s trial capacity and improve access to clinical trials for Western Australians. Findings from the survey will be used to inform the development of a WA Clinical Trials Roadmap which will set the direction for the quality and capacity of clinical trials activity in WA and inform future investments from the Future Health Research and Innovation (FHRI) Fund.
Complete the survey here or click the button below.
Both surveys close Friday 13 September 2024.