Make Smoking History
Make Smoking History works to reduce the prevalence of smoking in Western Australia by raising awareness of the harms of smoking. The program also shares the benefits of quitting, by providing information and resources to help people who smoke to quit. Make Smoking History also influences public opinion and policy on key smoking health issues.
Make Smoking History is run by Cancer Council WA and funded by the Department of Health, Healthway and Cancer Council WA. Our core areas of work include priority settings, anti-smoking campaigns and policy and research.
Visit the Make Smoking History website for information on:
- Tips and support to quit smoking
- The health impacts of smoking
- The benefits of quitting
- Supporting health, community and corrective services to address smoking
- Information on smoking and the law
- Information on where you can and can’t smoke
- Details on smoke-free workplaces
- Stories from people who have successfully quit smoking
- How to support a loved one to quit smoking
- Our anti-smoking campaigns
Significant tobacco control achievements over time have contributed to a decrease in smoking prevalence. In Western Australia, the prevalence of current adult smokers has halved from 21.8% in 2002, to 10.4% in 2020.
You might be surprised at how recently some of these changes came about:
- 2006: Western Australian hotels, nightclubs and clubs to smoke-free
- 2009: Smoking in cars carrying children is prohibited
- 2012: All tobacco products in Australia are required to be sold in plain packaging
- 2021: Removal of a smoking exemption for Crown Perth’s International Room
However, there is still a lot of work to be done to achieve a future free of tobacco harm. Efforts at state and national levels must be improved and strengthened for further progress to be made.
Our WA tobacco control priorities include:
- Reducing supply and availability of tobacco products
- Expanding smoke-free spaces
- Intensifying media campaigning
- Increasing support for groups with higher smoking prevalence, particularly people experiencing disadvantage
- Support efforts to reduce the affordability of tobacco
- Boosting investment in tobacco control at both state and national level
Publications for more information on tobacco control in Western Australia
Achievements in tobacco control for Western Australia
- The progress of tobacco control in Western Australia: achievements, challenges and hopes for the future (pdf, 2.3mb)
- National Tobacco Strategy 2023-2030
- History in the making: the first 10 years of the Make Smoking History Campaign
- Cancer Council Australia’s Tobacco Control Chapter of the National Cancer Prevention Policy
- Cancer Council Australia Position Statements on Smoking and Tobacco Control
- WA Health Promotion Strategic Framework 2022-2026