In May 2018 Cancer Council WA held a series of seminars for a range of health professionals working in health services across Western Australia to learn more about best practice approaches to support patients who smoke. The seminars were delivered by Emma Dean, the lead smoking cessation pharmacist at Alfred Health in Victoria, who shared the experience of Alfred Health and their comprehensive approach to supporting patients to be smoke free.
PDFs of all the presentations that were delivered during this seminar series are listed by event below. Thank you to the presenters for making these materials available. We have also supplied some additional resources that provide further information about smoke free health services, including brief intervention and pharmacotherapy strategies.
Butt in support for patients who smoke
Butt In Support For Patients Who Smoke - Emma Dean
EMHS Tobacco Brief Intervention ABCD Pilot Project - Assunta Di Francesco
Butt in to butt out - Pharmacy's role in managing nicotine dependency
Butt In To Butt Out Pharmacy's Role - Emma Dean
Managing smoking and lung cancer treatment
Introduction - Annette McWiliams
Anaesthetics - Hamish Mace
Cardiothoracic Surgery - Josh Goldblatt
Keynote - Emma Dean
Medical Oncology - Samantha Bowyer
Palliative Care - Keiron Bradley
Radiation Oncology - Sean Bydder
Respiratory Nursing - Xiyuan Li
Smoke free mums and bubs
Smoke Free Mums and Bubs - Emma Dean
Tackling tobacco in mental health settings
Mental Health Unit SCGH Case Study - Jane Chambers and Jennifer Boyle
Tackling Tobacco in Mental Health Settings - Emma Dean
Additional information
- Start the conversation website
- Alfred Health smoke free website (including videos)
- Pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation
- ABCD guide for health services