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Our cancer education sessions are an opportunity to educate and raise awareness about cancer and how to prevent it and detect it early.

To request an education session in Perth, please select from the topics below and email

Requests for education sessions in regional Western Australia can be made directly to our corresponding Regional Education Officer as listed below.

Topics available

See more information about all the cancer education topics we have below.

This topic is suitable and of interest to all adults.

At least a third of all cancers can be prevented. Learn about the small things everyday that you can do to reduce your risk of developing cancer. Including tips on nutrition, alcohol intake and being SunSmart.

This session would be of interest to primarily late 40s to early 70s age groups.

Bowel cancer is the number 2 cancer killer in Australia, yet most people aren’t screening for it. If your organisation has employees over the age of 45 years, you should consider booking a bowel screening talk. We also offer a free campaign kit which includes a suite of resources that can be used to promote bowel screening in your workplace.

This session covers:

  • What is bowel cancer and how common is it?
  • What increases and decreases your risk?
  • Information on the free, simple screening test.

This topic would be of interest to women all age groups from 20 – 74 and can be tailored to suit the age of the women in your group.

The four leading cancers that affect WA women; breast, bowel, melanoma and lung account for 60% of all cancers diagnosed in WA women. However this session will cover the type of cancers that affect only women and what you can do to reduce your risk of getting these cancers.

This topic would be of interest to men all age groups. 

Even though around half of the Australian population are men, far more men than women are diagnosed with cancer each year.  Learn about the cancers that are more common in men, as well as those that only affect men, and what you can do to reduce your risk of cancer.

This topic is of interest to all adults.

In populations with prolonged cigarette use, up to 90% of cases of lung cancer are attributed to smoking. This presentation provides information on smoking and lung cancer, symptoms, treatment and what you can do to prevent lung cancer.

This topic is of interest to all adults.

Talks are 1 hour. Cigarette smoking is the largest single preventable cause of death and disease in Australia today. Tobacco smoke contains more than 7000 chemicals, including 69 chemicals known to cause cancer.  This presentation provides background information on the effects of tobacco use as well as tips, resources and information on where to get support for those who considering making a change to their smoking habit.

Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world.  At least two in every three Australians will develop skin cancer before they the age of 70.  Learn about skin cancer risk factors, understanding UV radiation and what you can do to lower your risk of developing skin cancer.

This talk also includes the latest thinking on sun and vitamin D balance as well as what signs to look for when checking your own skin for cancer.

This topic is of interest to all adults. 

If you work outdoors your risk of skin cancer increases. This talk covers skin cancer risk factors, understanding UV radiation and the basics of occupational health requirements from both the employer and employee points of view.

Learn what signs to look for when checking your own skin for cancer. Learn the correct use of sunscreen and why caps fail as sun protective headwear.

Education sessions for staff and/or parents on skin cancer risk factors, UV radiation and skin cancer prevention. Content is based on the Generation SunSmart online learning modules and includes content on sun protection for children. A certificate of participation for attendees is available on request.

This subject would be useful for all age groups.

There is every chance that you or someone close to you will be affected by cancer.  In fact, one in two Australians under the age of 85 will hear the words “you have cancer”. We are determined to change that. Through our world-class research funding program, our prevention programs and our vast range of information and support services we are bringing the defeat of cancer closer.

This session would be of interest for all age groups.

Find out about the early signs and symptoms of bowel, breast, lung, prostate and skin cancer in people over the age of 40. We seek to increase symptom awareness as well as break down the barriers and myths around seeking help.

This topic is suitable and of interest to all adults. Males and females.

Australia has national screening programs for bowel, breast and cervical cancers. This session will cover these three types of cancers and how to participate in screening.

This topic is aimed at parents of primary school children.

Packed with Goodness aims to equip parents with the skills and confidence to pack healthy lunchboxes and prepare nutritious food at home. These fun and practical 90-minute sessions are free and delivered at your school through our Crunch & Sip program by qualified professionals. Please visit our Crunch & Sip website to find out more and book a session now.

Then contact your local Regional Education Officer (REO)


Kimberley REO

Broome WA

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