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It is important to include our full legal name, registered address and registered ABN.
Cancer Council Western Australia (Inc)
Level 1, 420 Bagot Road
Subiaco WA 6008
Registered ABN: 15 190 821 561

To include a gift to us in your Will, you may wish to refer to our suggested clauses – see FAQ no.10. You may also wish to speak to your solicitor about these clauses.

Definitely. In fact we encourage you to think about your family and friends first and then consider charitable gifts once your loved ones have been taken care of.

No. There is no minimum amount expected as every gift makes a difference. Every dollar will help to support our mission of reducing the incidence and impact of cancer in our community.

Yes. Our Donor Relations and Estates team can assist you in your decision to direct your gift to a specific area. Some possible areas of interest include cancer research, cancer education and prevention, or our support programs assisting people affected by cancer. Our suggested clauses (see FAQ no.10.) can help you direct your gift to a specific area.

It is your choice as to whether you inform us that we have been included in you Will. If you do let us know, you’ll be invited to be part of our recognition program The Clive Deverall Society.

By letting us know you have included a gift in your Will to us, it allows us to:

  • Thank you and discuss your wishes
  • Focus on the programs you’re interested in
  • Invite you to events to update you on our work
  • Provide you with updates on cancer breakthroughs and new research initiatives
  • Plan future investments in our vital programs
  • Provide you with our annual financial summary

We are committed to financial and operational transparency. Anyone can access our Annual Reviews and Financial Statements.

In addition to adhering to our corporate values, our finance team are bound by the professional and ethical values prescribed by their professional accounting designations.
On a quarterly basis Cancer Council WA’s Finance Committee, a sub-committee of the Cancer Council WA Board consisting of specifically qualified business and finance professionals, reviews Cancer Council WA’s interim financial statements.

Annually an independent Auditor is charged with conducting a comprehensive financial audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. These audits form a part of our Annual Financial Statement. You can take comfort that each year the Auditor has reported our financial statements are free from material misstatement and that they fairly represent the financial position of Cancer Council WA.

We strongly recommend seeking legal advice when writing or amending your Will. The clauses suggested on our website are suggestions only and should be tailored to each person’s individual situation. A solicitor or legal representative will be able to advise on this.

Under Section 7 of the Wills Act WA, any Will written by a person under the age of 18 is invalid. If you do not qualify due to age, we thank you for your interest and welcome you to contact us about other ways you can get involved with our activities.

There are several ways to include a gift in your Will to Cancer Council WA including:

  • Residual (whole). The remainder of your estate after you have allocated any specific gifts
  • Residual (percentage). A percentage of the remainder of your estate
  • Specific dollar amount
  • The proceeds of the sale from certain assets such as shares, property or life insurance

To include a gift in your Will to us, you will need to include our legal name Cancer Council Western Australia (Inc) and also the addition of a clause outlining the details of your gift.

See our suggested clauses to use.